so what now?

JFC, I did not want this to become a place to be a whiney bitch. I have a job, I have a husband who worships me, a cat who hogs the bed and a roof over my head. We are relatively debt free (a little credit card debt, but very manageable ). I am just … More so what now?

plan b?

Plan A has been shot down. (As in, buying a home based franchise is not going to happen.) I’m glad I asked because I knew the worst my mom could do was say no. And for a while I really thought she might say yes. I knew that I had nothing to lose by asking. … More plan b?

making the appeal

I’ve been working on a business plan for any possibility that my mom says yes to my request for funds. I’ve also started reaching out to some of the franchise owners of the franchises that I’m interested in. I’ve actually gotten some good replies and a few lukewarm ones. I’ve got a few books on … More making the appeal