because reasons

I think it’s time. Since my last post, I’ve kept on thinking that. Why not? What have I got to lose? Life is too short, right? Finding a real job that involves me leaving the house on a daily basis is not going anywhere. And I feel like I have to try this. I’m going … More because reasons

dirty day

I think I’m reaching a point where I have to realize that staying in retail isn’t going to happen. Or maybe I’m not giving it enough time.  I knew I’d be in this full time job hunt for the long haul, but when I have someone who is helping us out financially breathing down my back, … More dirty day

this and that

So I tweeted the hell out of that company that asked my age on a job assessment test. And I had friends who re tweeted my tweets. Probably not the most professional thing to do but fuck me. You do not ask for age on anything job related. You. Just. Don’t. Said company contacted me … More this and that

the age thing

I’m starting to see more and more job app sights ask for a ball park figure for my age. What in high holy hell? Age discrimination much? Why not just fucking ask me for my birth year outright? Naturally it’s one of those questions with the little star next to it, meaning I have to … More the age thing


Here’s an age old question. How am I supposed to apply for what is basically an entry level job in a (slightly) different industry when I have no experience and they want years of it? I’m sure said job description was written by someone who really has no fucking clue what the job actually entails, … More spinning

on being social

Sometimes I have to remember to get out there and see other people in the world. I become so obsessed with LOOKING FOR A JOB NOW NOW NOW, and get so caught up in doing nothing but job hunting on my days off that I forget there are friends and possible networking opportunities that I … More on being social

that hobby thing

I’m still taking daily pictures of the lake. My grand idea of doing a book has kinda fallen to the wayside. I’ve gone through all the pictures from last year and have at least narrowed it down to my personal favorites, 2 or 3 per week. I just need to get my act together and … More that hobby thing